Monday, January 13, 2020

Streak running - Streak living

(Posting for 10th Jan)

I am motivated and happy internally that I have attracted and till now continuing the habit of running daily. When I started, people do commented that it would be difficult, how can one run daily. One should not run daily. One reason which is quite understandable is exertion in running daily. Some suggests that one should run on alternate days so that one gets enough rest. I am used to running now and I do not get exhausted while running. Running has become like a meditation for me. I am enjoying my running now. In the beginning it was a bit difficult, but now it has become a habit. If I delay my running on any day because of any reason, I get anxious that I am missing something. 

Any habit is difficult to maintain in the beginning, but once you are accustomed to  it you start enjoying it. The effort is on maintaining the habit. I would say even the start is not that difficult and to ignore or end a newly started habit is even easier. The tedious effort is on continuing the habit. Even if there is a 1 or 2 day of miss in the habit, I would say you should resume the habit. It is you playing versus your mind. Mind is always looking for the exit route and rest, but if you are adamant in maintaining the habit, you can win over your mind. The mind will finally give in. 

Like running, I am trying to work upon streak living. Live your ideal life daily and not wait for someday to start living. That day will never come. The day has to be today and the moment has to be now. Do not wait for moment to come, enjoy the now, be in the moment and you will see life happening in this very moment. Just include a small portion of what you want to do in your daily life and cut the portion of what you do not want to do. That is how your life will automatically shape up. Rather than planning for a big change suddenly, divide it into chunks and do it daily. That is the power of continuity.

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