Monday, January 13, 2020

Is age just a number

(Posting for 11 Jan)

Sometimes I genuinely feel that time is an illusion. I time real or imaginary. During good times, the time passes very fast and during bad times, it passes very slow. We are measuring time against a standard unit like minutes, hours, days, months, years.  And measuring through clock and calendar we say that time has passed or days, years have passed. Why is time so important in our life. Time is limited that is why it is important. But how is human life related to time. Life comes and ends at a certain moment. To monitor or divide the events in between, time is very helpful in reference from the beginning. The beginning is when life comes into the body and the end is when the life goes out of the body. But time is really relative. The average which was 40 years 100 years back is now 65 years which means what used to be old 100 years back is comparatively younger now.

Age is a mindset. You will find various people with various level of energy in all age brackets. So no rule can be set that a person who has spent these many years on the planet can do or cannot do certain things. You will find older people having more energy and enthusiasm than some very young people. There is a natural process of ageing but that doesn't stop you from living to the full extent. It is about changing perspective about life. If you become positive about life, things will start happening. And then this realization will happen that Age is just a number. It is up to you how you want to feel.

Do what you want to do. Do not wait for things to happen. Start living and stop complaining. There are 100 excuses to not to do something and equal or more reasons to do the same thing. It is how you play with your mind and project to your mind. The whole human being is a complex creature. The mind, body, thoughts are all connected. You need to co-ordinate well with all these entities. You are above mind, body and thoughts. But it is certainly difficult to understand yourself above mind, body and thoughts. We are so closely gelled and attached to all these that we flow with them.

Challenge yourself and explore yourself. You are a limitless creature. All the limits are set up by the mind. The age of your body is a number attached. Try to come out of that number game and give yourself a chance to live irrespective of how many years have passed since your birth. Life is fun and is given to you to be explored. Live life and stop comparing with people of other ages. You are unique and you are life itself.

I have turned 40 on 11th January.

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