Its an amazing morning. I came to office by OLA share. Ola share charges almost 1.5 times the shuttle. I am moving away from the hassle of driving car.
Yesterday I got a mantra for coming back to normal from any situation, not to be very happy and not to be very sad. Who am I? I am the unchangeable awareness in which all activity takes place.
This gives mental peace in any situation. You do not become the sufferer than. Your body may suffer, your mind may suffer, but not you. You are beyond body and mind. You are the witness.
I have got my passport today. I had to give 800 rs for police verification, 500 rs for local intelligence and then 200 rs to the postman. It becomes difficult to get without giving money. They just look directly into the eye. I asked what. They told kuch kharcha pani.
But in 17 days, I got my passport. Great. I have ordered a book Hunting the 'I' which is delivered today. I will go and check the book.
I would be meeting my son Shaurya after 9 days. Excited.
The sound of silence is very clear in my mind. When I am in complete silence, the sound comes.
One should take time in the busy schedule because when you are busy, life is happening to you. Observer life. Witness life. Be life. Feel Life.
Lets Celebrate Life. Its only once that we get this life. So lets enjoy the life to the fullest. There will never be another you and there will never be another today. So lets make full use of this today before it becomes Yesterday. Cheer up. Always keep a smile on your face, broaden your shoulders and do whatever you feel like doing. Dont be a pendulum oscillating between past and future.Always be in present.
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Friday, June 24, 2016
24th June : Discovery of I : I am the unchangeable awareness in which all activity takes place.
I went to JMI with A. The PoC was set up and demonstrated.
I talked to A for long on tea. We talked about philosophy, films, and other topics.
He thinks we dont find good people these days. I think there are good people in today's world too.
I am also reading Upanishad.
Is there any one sentence which will bring me back in present from anywhere, whatever the crisis is whatever the problem is.
For now that sentence for me is that spoken by Papaji " You are the unchangeable awareness in which all activity takes place"
This gives peace and reminds me who I am.
I also got to know about a book. The book of Tea. I will read this book.
From now on, I will try to put post which makes sense.
I talked to A for long on tea. We talked about philosophy, films, and other topics.
He thinks we dont find good people these days. I think there are good people in today's world too.
I am also reading Upanishad.
Is there any one sentence which will bring me back in present from anywhere, whatever the crisis is whatever the problem is.
For now that sentence for me is that spoken by Papaji " You are the unchangeable awareness in which all activity takes place"
This gives peace and reminds me who I am.
I also got to know about a book. The book of Tea. I will read this book.
From now on, I will try to put post which makes sense.
Friday, June 10, 2016
10th June: Mix day : Lots to learn
It was a live proof yesterday when I started with good mood and positivity, everything went great.
So, the day starts by reading something positive. "Observe the observer" concept. I am trying to be witness to the present. Dwelling into the question "Who am I".
I will be focussing on to make my body fit. If the body is fit, my mind will be fit and I can devote better to my life.
I should be able to handle the tension and fear. I am not indulging into the problem. I am analyzing the problem.
You should be able to come out of the thoughts of being guilty. Give your best shot and do not think negative. Coming out of the guilt that I am not able to do this or that is great. You would feel good.
I was struggling so hard since 10 am to install Thunderbird on Linux. I almost lost hope that I would not be able to do that and the feeling of guilt was peeping in. I
went for a break for a cup of tea. I came back and finally at around 2 pm, I was able to install the thunderbird mail. Amazing. Never ever, never ever loose hope.
There will be times when you do not succeed and that is perfectly ok. Sometimes, you would fail, sometimes you will succeed. You should not suffer because of this.
Count on the learnings.
Thursday, June 09, 2016
9th June. - Rumblings today - Be in your own kingdom
The morning should start well. If you start your morning well, you can spend your day well. It sets the tone for the day. While coming in the shuttle, I read in mobile "Observe the Observer". This is amazing. If you start observing the observer within you, you will be at peace.
Learn about fear. Why do you fear. What do you fear. Can I end fear. Find the nature and structure of fear. If you start seeing the nature of fear, actually fear will start ending. That is the beauty.
If you are in the mid of the day, and you are feeling down, try observing or rather witnessing what are you thinking. Change the gear of the thoughts. Be grateful. Take deep breath.
Why are you worried about the target. Was there any target ? You have done your best in this situation, then why to worry. If you know that you have done to your best, no need to worry. Be positive. See the positive aspects of it. Why should your mind think that you haven't done anything. You have learnt so many things while trying to get the results.
It is never too late. Sometimes it happens that a very very small negative thought or feeling will make the remaining of your day worse. This is actually a chain reaction kind of thing, you wouldn't even know when you have become completely immersed in negativity. The key is to observe and see the negative feelings going in. Fill yourself with gratefulness and positivity. Practicing this will make you do this successfully. I have done it right now and feeling good.
Your big thing might be very small or nothing for someone. That means you should not be worried about anything. Stop thinking and be.
Live like you don't exist. Live like you are two eyeballs floating in space with no brain attached.
Be in your own kingdom.
The last minutes in the office are crucial. As you have started the day in office with confidence and positive energy, you should leave the office in the same mode. If your office time is spent well and no matter what if you are positive, you will be able to spend good time at home too. It was overall a good day in office.
Wednesday, June 08, 2016
7th June 2016
I know there are many people who feel angry, depressed, and trying to run out of the situation.
Even I while coming to office feel that the bus should not reach office........hahahahhahh....let it be a bit late....Let my boss be not there today...These are wishful thinking.
Lets turn the table. Lets do what you want. Accept the present.
Enjoy the present. Be in the present.
Once you start enjoying the present, things will start happening.
Take responsibility of your deeds. You will be at peace.
There are things which will happen to you if you are positive. And you will attract positive.
Think from long term perspective. Don't think on the short term basis.
I have started enjoying what I am doing. There is no point in hating what you do. If you hate the thing which you are doing, then do not do that. But if you cannot avoid doing that thing, then do not hate it. I know it sounds simple but difficult to implement. But if you do not become the problem, and try and solve the problem, the problem gets solved.
You never know from which direction the opportunity will come. So it is good to be always open and face rather than running away from the situation. If you face a situation, you will come out a stronger person.
By being in this stressed out situation, I decided lets enjoy the situation and face the fear. I have become a good communicator.
So the situation after accepting the present is that I am happier than how I was in the morning. I have more energy.
Even I while coming to office feel that the bus should not reach office........hahahahhahh....let it be a bit late....Let my boss be not there today...These are wishful thinking.
Lets turn the table. Lets do what you want. Accept the present.
Enjoy the present. Be in the present.
Once you start enjoying the present, things will start happening.
Take responsibility of your deeds. You will be at peace.
There are things which will happen to you if you are positive. And you will attract positive.
Think from long term perspective. Don't think on the short term basis.
I have started enjoying what I am doing. There is no point in hating what you do. If you hate the thing which you are doing, then do not do that. But if you cannot avoid doing that thing, then do not hate it. I know it sounds simple but difficult to implement. But if you do not become the problem, and try and solve the problem, the problem gets solved.
You never know from which direction the opportunity will come. So it is good to be always open and face rather than running away from the situation. If you face a situation, you will come out a stronger person.
By being in this stressed out situation, I decided lets enjoy the situation and face the fear. I have become a good communicator.
So the situation after accepting the present is that I am happier than how I was in the morning. I have more energy.
Saturday, April 30, 2016
A poem - Impromptu lines written while coming by bus
चलें किसी ओर तो ऊजाला करें
बहुत अंधेरा है हर तरफ
ऊजाला ना सही बिखेरो लाली
बहुत अंधेरा है हर तरफ
ऊजाला ना सही बिखेरो लाली
जहां आज हर तरफ है रात काली
कोई उम्मीद की किरन ही दिखा दो
अरसा हुआ पलक झपके, आज सुला दो
ऊगता सुरज ना सही ना सही
कोई डूबता सुर्ख सुरज ही दिखा दो
अपने सपनो की पोटली बाँध
निकला हूँ मैं बचपन से
कोई बूढ़ापे से पहले मेरे
कुछ सपने ही पूरे करा दे
जो ले के आया था सपने मैं आँखे मीचे
कुछ कम करा के ही अपने पास वो खिचे
Monday, April 18, 2016
Life is in the pause
Life is in the pause.
There is a continuous stream of thought running in the mind. And what is life. Most of the people think that whatever they think is life. The life is run through their thoughts only. Mind takes over and start running the life. That is not life, that is suffering. Yes, you as as self suffer when it is all in the hands of mind.
The actual blissful life is when you start observing. Observe the pause. Observe the pause between two thoughts. Life will start happening then.
You will be at peace when you stop running and start realizing the pauses. You will be more quiet and feel more powerful.
There is a continuous stream of thought running in the mind. And what is life. Most of the people think that whatever they think is life. The life is run through their thoughts only. Mind takes over and start running the life. That is not life, that is suffering. Yes, you as as self suffer when it is all in the hands of mind.
The actual blissful life is when you start observing. Observe the pause. Observe the pause between two thoughts. Life will start happening then.
You will be at peace when you stop running and start realizing the pauses. You will be more quiet and feel more powerful.
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Present - The bliss
Life is in this very moment
The moment you shouldn't repent
The bliss is in the present
Come out of the body on rent
You are neither the body nor the mind
You are the consciousness that is kind
Consciousness that is in one and all
That is the only one standing tall
Everything else is illusion
In fact there is no creation
All is in our thoughts and mind
Which we have to always remind
Through all the living creatures
Consciousness expresses its treasures
Be with the one and ultimate
You will be at peace with your state
The moment you shouldn't repent
The bliss is in the present
Come out of the body on rent
You are neither the body nor the mind
You are the consciousness that is kind
Consciousness that is in one and all
That is the only one standing tall
Everything else is illusion
In fact there is no creation
All is in our thoughts and mind
Which we have to always remind
Through all the living creatures
Consciousness expresses its treasures
Be with the one and ultimate
You will be at peace with your state
Thursday, April 14, 2016
What is time. Since childhood we are told that time will pass on, time will move on. But what is time. Is time real or time is just a concept exploited so much. Time is a concept. Time is one dimension like length, weight etc. Why are we getting carried away with time. The reality is present moment. When it was past, it was at that moment present. And when it will be future, at that moment it will be present only. So there is no other thing other than present. When we live in past, we remember some incident of past, we are doing that in present only. Similar is the case with the future.
Time is just a dimension of measurement. Nothing more than that. The concept of flow of time is created in mind by the conditioning of mind. Time is a reflection of change. If something is changing, the concept of time came to measure and observe the change.
If the reality is present, why are we so worried. The difficulty is to be at present in thoughts. To be present is to be in now and in the situation of thoughtlessness or in control of your thoughts or at least aware of your thoughts. If you are aware of your thoughts, you are at present. That is you are observer.
Time is just a dimension of measurement. Nothing more than that. The concept of flow of time is created in mind by the conditioning of mind. Time is a reflection of change. If something is changing, the concept of time came to measure and observe the change.
If the reality is present, why are we so worried. The difficulty is to be at present in thoughts. To be present is to be in now and in the situation of thoughtlessness or in control of your thoughts or at least aware of your thoughts. If you are aware of your thoughts, you are at present. That is you are observer.
Acceptance is the key
I have realized that once you accept the present, there is no suffering. Accepting the thing as it is is difficult but can be practiced. Every second if we have the desire of something different and want to escape the present, we can never live in the present. And that is disastrous. Life will end and at the last breath we will realize that we haven't lived.
Living without desire is bliss. Mind is a very bad master but a very good slave. If you observe closely, you will find that mind wants to take things in its hand and it does, unless you closely watch the mind. When you start seeing the mind, mind will disappear. Mind dislikes being watched. The existence of mind will disappear at that instant and you will find self.
What is mind. Mind is just bundle of thoughts. Thoughts come and goes, another thought comes and takes you to a ride. Its a never ending process. By regular practice, you will be able to see the activities of mind and see how naughty it is. Mind is occupying your home and takes you anywhere in a split of a second. Why do you want to allow someone to occupy your self and involving you in different mind activities.
To come out of this, a regular practice of being in present should be done. Question yourself, who are you? If you question, you will know that you are not your body, you are not your mind. Then who are you. You are something else. You are the observer, the seer. This will connect you to your inner self. But what is that inner self. It is difficult to express in words. But you can feel that once you connect to the emptiness. That is the soul, the God, that ultimate, whatever you may call it. But it will give you peace.
Let there be peace, within you, within us, within everyone. You will realize in all of us there is One, that consciousness, that is expressing from our body, senses and the mind. The problem is that we think that we are the body or the mind. Once you surrender to the ultimate, the consciousness, things will start happening automatically. You will not be involved in getting used by the mind.
Living without desire is bliss. Mind is a very bad master but a very good slave. If you observe closely, you will find that mind wants to take things in its hand and it does, unless you closely watch the mind. When you start seeing the mind, mind will disappear. Mind dislikes being watched. The existence of mind will disappear at that instant and you will find self.
What is mind. Mind is just bundle of thoughts. Thoughts come and goes, another thought comes and takes you to a ride. Its a never ending process. By regular practice, you will be able to see the activities of mind and see how naughty it is. Mind is occupying your home and takes you anywhere in a split of a second. Why do you want to allow someone to occupy your self and involving you in different mind activities.
To come out of this, a regular practice of being in present should be done. Question yourself, who are you? If you question, you will know that you are not your body, you are not your mind. Then who are you. You are something else. You are the observer, the seer. This will connect you to your inner self. But what is that inner self. It is difficult to express in words. But you can feel that once you connect to the emptiness. That is the soul, the God, that ultimate, whatever you may call it. But it will give you peace.
Let there be peace, within you, within us, within everyone. You will realize in all of us there is One, that consciousness, that is expressing from our body, senses and the mind. The problem is that we think that we are the body or the mind. Once you surrender to the ultimate, the consciousness, things will start happening automatically. You will not be involved in getting used by the mind.
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