Now that I developed the habit of writing a post daily in this blog, let me write about what happened today. I attracted what I wanted today. I visualized that the registry of the property which I purchased is being done today. Although, I did hear negative yesterday from the lawyer. He mentioned that he didn't get the registry letter yet and told me to call him the next day. I hoped for positive in the morning and just put positive thoughts inside me. I took the file having the documents in the car, to make sure if I need to go to Ghaziabad from office, I dont have to come to home for collecting the documents.
At around 11 am, I called the lawyer. To my disappointment, he said that he has not yet received the paper. He told me to call in 15 minutes, meanwhile he will find out on what has happened. I waited for those 15-20 min and again thinking positive that I will be able to get the registry done today. I called him in half an hour. I got another number of a person from Gaursons (Pradeep Sharma) from him. Then again with positive mind, I called Pradeep and already I had visualized that I will get a positive response. And I heard from the other side of the phone, that yes paper is ready and that person Pradeep mentioned to check it with lawyer in the evening. He also mentioned that I can get it today from Gaurson's office. I told him that I will come today itself and collect the paper. I conveyed the same message to lawyer and he told to come before 3 pm. And the time then was around 11:45 am. I decided to leave for Ghazibad. I called up Neetu and told her about the same.
The next task was to find a witness. I told Neetu if Babbu can go, but because of his prior engagement and business, he could not come. Sudhir sir's name came to my mind and I just said that he will be on leave and will be at home. My mind actually attracted my want. When I called Sudhir Sir, I just told him "Sir, you are at home......right and on leave......" He said yes. I told him I need you as a witness for the property registry. He agreed. I knew that he will be having PAN card too and he had.
To cut the long story short, the point which I want to make is if someone thinks positive, positive things happen around him. He can attract whatever he want if he truly believe in that. I do practice this law of attraction and it works for me. I am loving this game.
More to come in my future posts.......................
And yes, I got my first flat registered today.....or should I say yesterday.........(3 Feb 2012). It is already 4th Feb morning now...
Lets Celebrate Life. Its only once that we get this life. So lets enjoy the life to the fullest. There will never be another you and there will never be another today. So lets make full use of this today before it becomes Yesterday. Cheer up. Always keep a smile on your face, broaden your shoulders and do whatever you feel like doing. Dont be a pendulum oscillating between past and future.Always be in present.
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