Most of the posts in my blog might look similar. Posts on positivity, enthusiasm, hope etc. Yes, that is because I have grown to be a positive person. I am excited about the enormous opportunity in my life.
Some recent developments which happened in the past few days: Joined Toastmasters Club- Gave impromptu speech too there and gave my name for the ice breaker speech, Enrolled for fitho.
From fitho I got a plan which I need to implement. The plan contains food diet and the exercise. I am so excited about that. I will work on that plan.
Lets Celebrate Life. Its only once that we get this life. So lets enjoy the life to the fullest. There will never be another you and there will never be another today. So lets make full use of this today before it becomes Yesterday. Cheer up. Always keep a smile on your face, broaden your shoulders and do whatever you feel like doing. Dont be a pendulum oscillating between past and future.Always be in present.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Tuesday, February 07, 2012
Never say die
Yes, one should have the attitude of "Never Say Die". One should take challenge in his life and work towards overcoming his failures and negative beliefs. It is fun challenging yourself. You will discover a new you within yourself. I started loving this habit of challenging myself. I do challenge myself in small things and see myself succeeding in those challenges. This is helping me in discovering a new me.
Few things which I am consistently doing these days are :
Few things which I am consistently doing these days are :
- Doing Suryanamaskar daily. From today I started this in the evening too.
- Practicing Guitar. I want to learn guitar and this time I am not leaving this newly developed hobby.
- Following a proper balanced diet from Fitho. And I will take care of my body. A healthy mind rests on a healthy body.
- Set daily goals for myself. This will help me in having a fire in the belly and have a target for the day.
- Practice Hong Sau daily.
- Wake up at 5 am. This will keep me fresh and healthy.
Monday, February 06, 2012
Toast for the Toastmasters club
What an amazing day it was. Yesterday, before sleeping I had decided to go to Toastmasters club. My mind kept telling me that I have to go and I went there. The time spent there was really great. I got to hear few speeches by the toastmaster members. I have decided to join the club. It will certainly improve my communication. I am looking forward to giving great speeches. Speaking in front of people really boosts one's confidence.
I participated in the Tabletopic and spoke on the topic "Hope Never dies" and it was fun talking on the topic. With some pauses and ahhhhs..., I completed the talk on the same in 1 min 24 sec. I need to improve on certain areas like using the stage, maintaining eye contacts and deciding on what to speak before speaking and giving a structured speech. But that again comes with regular practice and I will be practicing these things.
I participated in the Tabletopic and spoke on the topic "Hope Never dies" and it was fun talking on the topic. With some pauses and ahhhhs..., I completed the talk on the same in 1 min 24 sec. I need to improve on certain areas like using the stage, maintaining eye contacts and deciding on what to speak before speaking and giving a structured speech. But that again comes with regular practice and I will be practicing these things.
Sunday, February 05, 2012
Trip to Uttam Nagar and back......
I went to Uttam Nagar today with Neetu and Shaurya. There was a function there which we had to attend. I met my in-laws and in-laws relatives there. Shaurya, as usual, enjoyed there a lot with Golu and Mannu. Our arrival there was delayed as we found that the front left tyre of our car was deflated. The tyre was punctured. I did change the tyre, by now I have become expert in changing the punctured tyre. I did it so many times. The stepney tyre is also not in good shape. So, just went to the punture wala with that stepney. The repair boy told that the tube is damaged and cannot be repaired. So, I asked him to change the tube.
My afternoon meal today was not as per the diet which I am following for the last couple of days. People there told me that I am looking slimmer. I am following the diet and doing the daily Suryanamaskar. This is keeping me fit and light. It is a good feeling.
Let me think on writing this blog on a daily theme rather than just putting the incidents of that today. I might write a daily story or some interesting thing. I will think about that and decide. I will be putting newly learnt words also as this will enrich my vocabulary. Tomorrow I will be going to the Toastmasters club too. So, I am going to sleep now.
My afternoon meal today was not as per the diet which I am following for the last couple of days. People there told me that I am looking slimmer. I am following the diet and doing the daily Suryanamaskar. This is keeping me fit and light. It is a good feeling.
Let me think on writing this blog on a daily theme rather than just putting the incidents of that today. I might write a daily story or some interesting thing. I will think about that and decide. I will be putting newly learnt words also as this will enrich my vocabulary. Tomorrow I will be going to the Toastmasters club too. So, I am going to sleep now.
Saturday, February 04, 2012
Property Registration and Positivity
Now that I developed the habit of writing a post daily in this blog, let me write about what happened today. I attracted what I wanted today. I visualized that the registry of the property which I purchased is being done today. Although, I did hear negative yesterday from the lawyer. He mentioned that he didn't get the registry letter yet and told me to call him the next day. I hoped for positive in the morning and just put positive thoughts inside me. I took the file having the documents in the car, to make sure if I need to go to Ghaziabad from office, I dont have to come to home for collecting the documents.
At around 11 am, I called the lawyer. To my disappointment, he said that he has not yet received the paper. He told me to call in 15 minutes, meanwhile he will find out on what has happened. I waited for those 15-20 min and again thinking positive that I will be able to get the registry done today. I called him in half an hour. I got another number of a person from Gaursons (Pradeep Sharma) from him. Then again with positive mind, I called Pradeep and already I had visualized that I will get a positive response. And I heard from the other side of the phone, that yes paper is ready and that person Pradeep mentioned to check it with lawyer in the evening. He also mentioned that I can get it today from Gaurson's office. I told him that I will come today itself and collect the paper. I conveyed the same message to lawyer and he told to come before 3 pm. And the time then was around 11:45 am. I decided to leave for Ghazibad. I called up Neetu and told her about the same.
The next task was to find a witness. I told Neetu if Babbu can go, but because of his prior engagement and business, he could not come. Sudhir sir's name came to my mind and I just said that he will be on leave and will be at home. My mind actually attracted my want. When I called Sudhir Sir, I just told him "Sir, you are at home......right and on leave......" He said yes. I told him I need you as a witness for the property registry. He agreed. I knew that he will be having PAN card too and he had.
To cut the long story short, the point which I want to make is if someone thinks positive, positive things happen around him. He can attract whatever he want if he truly believe in that. I do practice this law of attraction and it works for me. I am loving this game.
More to come in my future posts.......................
And yes, I got my first flat registered today.....or should I say yesterday.........(3 Feb 2012). It is already 4th Feb morning now...
At around 11 am, I called the lawyer. To my disappointment, he said that he has not yet received the paper. He told me to call in 15 minutes, meanwhile he will find out on what has happened. I waited for those 15-20 min and again thinking positive that I will be able to get the registry done today. I called him in half an hour. I got another number of a person from Gaursons (Pradeep Sharma) from him. Then again with positive mind, I called Pradeep and already I had visualized that I will get a positive response. And I heard from the other side of the phone, that yes paper is ready and that person Pradeep mentioned to check it with lawyer in the evening. He also mentioned that I can get it today from Gaurson's office. I told him that I will come today itself and collect the paper. I conveyed the same message to lawyer and he told to come before 3 pm. And the time then was around 11:45 am. I decided to leave for Ghazibad. I called up Neetu and told her about the same.
The next task was to find a witness. I told Neetu if Babbu can go, but because of his prior engagement and business, he could not come. Sudhir sir's name came to my mind and I just said that he will be on leave and will be at home. My mind actually attracted my want. When I called Sudhir Sir, I just told him "Sir, you are at home......right and on leave......" He said yes. I told him I need you as a witness for the property registry. He agreed. I knew that he will be having PAN card too and he had.
To cut the long story short, the point which I want to make is if someone thinks positive, positive things happen around him. He can attract whatever he want if he truly believe in that. I do practice this law of attraction and it works for me. I am loving this game.
More to come in my future posts.......................
And yes, I got my first flat registered today.....or should I say yesterday.........(3 Feb 2012). It is already 4th Feb morning now...
Friday, February 03, 2012
Routine and new stuff.
3 Feb, 1:38 am
I am confused about what should I type on this blog today. ok. Let me write on how the day went today. In the morning in office, I did went for a tea with Manish, talked with him about various things. For lunch, we went to Manesar and had the lunch in a Road side dhaba. It was fun. We enjoyed having lunch there. After coming from office, I played with Shaurya for a while. I do observe Shaurya and I think there are so many things I should learn from him. His innocence, his fun, his enjoyment, living in that moment.
I am happy that I have almost left watching TV. For the last couple of days, I just saw news on few occasions. I am feeling good. I am taking few tasks and trying to inculcate those in my daily routines. From the last few days, I am doing the Sudarshan Kriya. For few days, I woke up at 5 am, which was good. I will again become an early riser. There are many benefits of leaving the bed early in the morning. Also, I am following a balanced diet and I do feel light.
I am confused about what should I type on this blog today. ok. Let me write on how the day went today. In the morning in office, I did went for a tea with Manish, talked with him about various things. For lunch, we went to Manesar and had the lunch in a Road side dhaba. It was fun. We enjoyed having lunch there. After coming from office, I played with Shaurya for a while. I do observe Shaurya and I think there are so many things I should learn from him. His innocence, his fun, his enjoyment, living in that moment.
I am happy that I have almost left watching TV. For the last couple of days, I just saw news on few occasions. I am feeling good. I am taking few tasks and trying to inculcate those in my daily routines. From the last few days, I am doing the Sudarshan Kriya. For few days, I woke up at 5 am, which was good. I will again become an early riser. There are many benefits of leaving the bed early in the morning. Also, I am following a balanced diet and I do feel light.
Thursday, February 02, 2012
Life is wonderful
I have started loving life. I find no reason why one should not love his / her life. I do not have any complains. Without any reason, I am so happy about myself and getting the energy to write this post at this late hour 1:59 am IST. Life is simply amazing. I am exploring myself daily and finding new qualities about myself. I am breaking my own limitations.
Limitations are nothing but thoughts in mind. What you think, you become. If you think you can, you can and if you think you can't, that is also true. So, why to bind yourself in limit. Live limitless. It is actually easy and fun. Human being has the tendency to make things complex. It is all about perspective. Positive people see positive everywhere even in the worst situation and negative people see negative everywhere even in the best situation.
Life is meant to be enjoyed. You know how far from the beginning you are, but you do not know how near to the end you are. So, the mantra is to enjoy life to the fullest. I am very motivated about my life. There is no point in repenting about the past instances which you cannot change. There is something that life brings daily. It is up to you, how you take it.
I have read an article about life in TOI few days back. A man was going back to his home at night. He had to cross a dense forest. It was all dark and he was walking fast. Suddenly he fell into an empty well. Fortunately, while falling he caught hold of a branch of Banyan tree which was hanging. He was unable to climb as it was very dark. He convinced himself to stay like that till dawn. As he saw the sunshine, he started climbing up the branch. And when he gave a glance upwards to find how much more he has to climb, he was frightened and bewildered to see a tiger staring at him as if waiting for his prey. He was shocked and stopped then and there. Then the next thought which came into his mind was to climb down and stay at the bottom of the well. He started going down and then he glanced downward to see how near is he to the bottom. Again a dangerous surprise in the form of a cobra was waiting for him. This sent shiver in his body which has become cold by now. His eyes closed by itself to pray Almighty. And suddenly he felt some thicky liquid drop on his cheek which moved slowly towards his lips. The taste was sweet and pleasant. For that very moment, he forgot that he is in between two dangerous creatures and he just tasted honey. There was a bear on the Banyan tree who was eating honey and a drop fell onto this man's cheek. He tasted honey. He tasted life. That is how life is. One should live in that present moment. No matter how worse the situation is, one will and one can find pleasant moments. And one should enjoy that.
Limitations are nothing but thoughts in mind. What you think, you become. If you think you can, you can and if you think you can't, that is also true. So, why to bind yourself in limit. Live limitless. It is actually easy and fun. Human being has the tendency to make things complex. It is all about perspective. Positive people see positive everywhere even in the worst situation and negative people see negative everywhere even in the best situation.
Life is meant to be enjoyed. You know how far from the beginning you are, but you do not know how near to the end you are. So, the mantra is to enjoy life to the fullest. I am very motivated about my life. There is no point in repenting about the past instances which you cannot change. There is something that life brings daily. It is up to you, how you take it.
I have read an article about life in TOI few days back. A man was going back to his home at night. He had to cross a dense forest. It was all dark and he was walking fast. Suddenly he fell into an empty well. Fortunately, while falling he caught hold of a branch of Banyan tree which was hanging. He was unable to climb as it was very dark. He convinced himself to stay like that till dawn. As he saw the sunshine, he started climbing up the branch. And when he gave a glance upwards to find how much more he has to climb, he was frightened and bewildered to see a tiger staring at him as if waiting for his prey. He was shocked and stopped then and there. Then the next thought which came into his mind was to climb down and stay at the bottom of the well. He started going down and then he glanced downward to see how near is he to the bottom. Again a dangerous surprise in the form of a cobra was waiting for him. This sent shiver in his body which has become cold by now. His eyes closed by itself to pray Almighty. And suddenly he felt some thicky liquid drop on his cheek which moved slowly towards his lips. The taste was sweet and pleasant. For that very moment, he forgot that he is in between two dangerous creatures and he just tasted honey. There was a bear on the Banyan tree who was eating honey and a drop fell onto this man's cheek. He tasted honey. He tasted life. That is how life is. One should live in that present moment. No matter how worse the situation is, one will and one can find pleasant moments. And one should enjoy that.
Wednesday, February 01, 2012
1st day of the leap month.
2:05 am:
Life is fun. Yes it is, if you consider it as. There is nothing expected out of life, only that you want to do in life. I am enjoying my life. I have started learning Guitar again. Yes again. 3 years back, I was learning it but left in between. But now I am determined to consistently practice Guitar.
Few weeks back, I stumbled upon a site fitho. The site is about fitness. I got a diet plan in that site and I am following that. Its not actually dieting, it is about taking balanced diet. I am feeling light and at no point of time I am feeling hungry.
One should come out of his comfort zone and challenge himself. Some of the things which I want to do in the next 3 months are
- Learn guitar
- Join Toastmaster club and be regular in that
- Start writing a book (Unless you take the first step, it wont start)
Life is fun. Yes it is, if you consider it as. There is nothing expected out of life, only that you want to do in life. I am enjoying my life. I have started learning Guitar again. Yes again. 3 years back, I was learning it but left in between. But now I am determined to consistently practice Guitar.
Few weeks back, I stumbled upon a site fitho. The site is about fitness. I got a diet plan in that site and I am following that. Its not actually dieting, it is about taking balanced diet. I am feeling light and at no point of time I am feeling hungry.
One should come out of his comfort zone and challenge himself. Some of the things which I want to do in the next 3 months are
- Learn guitar
- Join Toastmaster club and be regular in that
- Start writing a book (Unless you take the first step, it wont start)
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Being ethical
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