Lets Celebrate Life. Its only once that we get this life. So lets enjoy the life to the fullest. There will never be another you and there will never be another today. So lets make full use of this today before it becomes Yesterday. Cheer up. Always keep a smile on your face, broaden your shoulders and do whatever you feel like doing. Dont be a pendulum oscillating between past and future.Always be in present.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Being ethical

Last and the only page

Transformation Fear
Transformation Fear

Monday, February 10, 2020
Change in 10 minutes

Sunday, February 09, 2020
Do it now. Days are less

Preet ran for the decided time and did his 10 min of meditation which he does just after the running. He does this meditation in a park which is adjacent to the School where his son Krish goes. Once he was done with meditation he looked into his watch and it was 7:58 am. A thought penetrated his mind that he could align with his son’s arrival in School and he may see Krish off at the school gate. Waiting for 2-3 minutes, Preet thought of tracing the path where his son comes from daily expecting he would see his son.
To his disappointment he was unable to see Krish. He was calling his wife Kiran to know about Krish but she was not picking the phone. Later almost when he reached at the gate of his housing society, he received call from Kiran. She mentioned she missed waking up on time and Krish was dependent on her to wake up as she was his alarm. So the situation was that Preet could not fulfill the desire of seeing off his son at school which he earlier thought he should do frequently.
He decided to not postpone anything. Do it now or do not repent of not doing. We generally go in the mode of postponing and thinking that we can do it later. That create a baggage in mind in a way that something you think should be done and you are not doing it. If you think a task has to be done, do it immediately or within the next opportunity. Else not doing and thinking to do that you have to do it , will create stress.
To come out of that stress, you need to plan and act for a shorter duration. If a plan has to be created plan it for 1 day and ensure you act upon that. You may want to have a long term goal, but if is better to have short plan and act on immediately. If you start acting upon short tasks and see that being completed, you will get that confidence.
Plan , Act , Plan , Act , Plan. Create shorter plan for a day and execute those smaller tasks, learn from it, repeat the exercise. Life is short. You do not have all the time and if you keep on waiting, you will always be waiting. Do not just wait to be happy. Be happy and content now.
This is unacceptable
(Writing for 30th Jan)

This is unacceptable ! How could you do this. Matthew was on top of his voice shouting at Martin. A minute before Martin broke the news that the project cannot be delivered on time as per the plan as there are certain challenges and the testing for the code build could not be completed. All hell broke loose for Matthew and he was shouting and saying “This is unacceptable”.
Martin was politely replying and mentioning the reasons for the delay in the start of the testing. The resource challenges, the environment challenges etc. He mentioned that this has already happened, so how can this be unacceptable. You have to accept what has happened, then we can sit together to assess what could be done from here to bring the project back to green. But Matthew was furious and he was again and again coming to the same point. As per the project plan, the testing should have been completed by this time and you are mentioning the testing hasn’t started. Again Martin heard the same three words “This is unacceptable”.
In any bad situation or event which has already happened, we find it very difficult to accept the event. If we do not accept the present situation, how could we progress. We will be stuck in questioning why it has happened and blaming each other. It is good to understand why that has happened to learn from it, but not for blaming and going deep into it and not accepting the situation. The project plan is a plan. There is no guarantee that the project will be delivered as per the plan. It has to be re-planned. Even after re-planning, many projects fail to deliver.
Rather than saying, This is unacceptable, we should accept it because it has already happened. Retrospect and learn from it. And Move on.
What If
(Writing for 29th Jan)

What If I am going to die today ? There will be one day that this will be true. And that day can be today. Why are we waiting for something to happen to start living. The death is always round the corner, so why not start living in present. Start exploring the life. We live in the limited constraints of our mindset and do not think beyond that. Lets look into the possibilities outside our mind world. This will bring energy and enthusiasm to live. We are not just to live in certain pattern. A lot could be done with the body and soul which we have.
What if I become billionaire. As a common person we generally do not say, think or believe these words. We find it difficult to imagine ourselves as a billionaire. If you want to be rich or you need a comfortable life and want to attract money, you should not feel discomfort in thinking that you will be rich or have that much amount of money. You need to remove the blocker from your mind. If you remove the inhibition in thinking about money, the possibilities of earning more may open.
What if I become happy, content and peaceful. No need to wait for becoming happy. That could be done now at this very moment. Unless you become happy and content now, you cannot be happy. Here happy doesn’t necessarily means laughing, cheerful, happy that deep inside you are at peace. So even if outside world is bad and harsh, difficult to you, deep inside you can be at real peace like the bottom of the ocean.
Explore all your What Ifs and see how those What Ifs can transform your life. Life is about exploring and learning, engaging, enjoying.
Hold my hand
Hold my hand
(Writing for 28 Jan)

While coming after my daily run, I saw a lady with her son holding his hand and walking towards the school. The boy who would be 10-11 years young was looking to be assured and was not thinking much about the road which he had to cross along with her mother. Contrary to that his mother was vigilant, eyes towards the school and rushing with her steps one after the other as if the race was between her two legs on who can be faster.
The boy’s speed to reach the school was governed by her mother’s rush and intention. He was least bothered if he will be reaching on time or if there are any cars coming on the way. Trust plays a big role here. In life scenarios, especially in difficult situations, we wait and wish if someone would help us. At that time even if you get someone who understands your situation and listens to you helps. A person cannot live his whole life alone. By basic nature human beings are social animal. And you need some people if not many to talk to you, to understand you or hold your hand.
You would have different trust or comfort factor with different people. With few you can talk for few minutes, with few you can talk for hours and open up. There are always few, may be 1-3 people, you can call at any time, talk to them, ask for help fully trusting that that person would surely help. Similarly you will be that person for few other people. These small circles, close circle of friends, then family and then few colleagues with whom you work, creates your world. All other things are in TV, internet, newspaper and in your imagination.
In this busy world no one has time for anything. Everyone is running after something or the other. The rat race is never ending. And you hear some or the other news about someone has passed on in family, friends or acquaintances. You will feel sad, reminisce some moments where you have last seen or interacted with that person and then get up and move on to do your daily chores. As you grow older, you will start feeling the need that someone should be there to hold your hand. The holder could be one of the person in your closest circle.
The boy going to school may not want his hand to be held as he goes into adulthood. He will have his dreams of independent world, going beyond the sky. The mother would still want to be with him, if not physically at least in thoughts and conversations. But sooner or later this realization comes back that you need someone to hold your hand, not physically but who is at the back and you have the trust and belief that he is with you no matter what. You don’t have to say to that person “Hold my hand”. You are already held in the love, care and trust.
Being ethical
(Writing for 4th Feb) He felt a hand at the back of his shoulder. The touch was to get Praveen’s attention by Raj. Raj wanted to ask the ...

Yes! Finally the blog is being revived. A lot many changes rolled in my life since my last post. Let me try to recollect all those changes s...
Came across a very nice article on how to live in the present moment..............here it goes.......... When we were babies no one had to t...
I got myself operated last week. The operation was on 22nd January. The operation was for a cyst under my neck. In medical terms it was subm...