I got myself operated last week. The operation was on 22nd January. The operation was for a cyst under my neck. In medical terms it was submandibular excision. When I visited Max hospital on 14th Jan, the ENT specialist advised me to go for surgery. I was a bit apprehensive to go for operation, but he convinced me that there wont be any problem. He asked to get the blood test done.
Let me explain the prologue of this story. Before meeting the ENT specialist Mr Atul Mittal, I had seen couple of doctors but that didn't help much. I was on antibiotic and then advised for FNAC (I dont know what that stands for) but a needle was pierced in the affected area. For the first time they failed to get any tissue, then I was cordially invited to that diagnostic centre again to pierce another needle in the same area. The irony is that this was my new year gift. The first attempt was made by lady doctor and the second and final attempt was made by his husband. Then the pain started. The swelling was getting bigger. I had pain too. It was almost like a distorted ping pong ball. Then to make the situation worse, I started to have fever daily during evening. All these suffering lead me to see a good doctor.
When I visited the doctor again in Saket, he saw the blood test report and asked me to get it operated as soon as possible. I didn't have any choice other than choosing a date for the D-day. The doctor asked how is 21st Jan....Then came the negation, no...that is our wedding anniversary. Thanks to my wife Neetu, she wanted me to be well and not in recuperation at least in our 4th wedding anniversary. I agreed to that idea. Finally the D day was decided to be 22nd Jan. Then the usual formalities.
The hospitality business or shall I say hospital business has gone a long way in India. Now they present the options available to the patients in a way as if they are selling a product to a customer. I was told about rent of the one bed room where I will be kept pre and post operation and other charges for the surgery. When the Doctor came to know that I have a corporate medi assist card, a smile came to our face (his and mine) because none of us had to worry for the bucks. He was happy as he can charge the exaggerated amount and I was happy as I dont have to pay from my pocket. After doing those formalities, I was taken to anasthesia dept for getting myself checked if I can go for anasthesia on the D-day. The anasthesist gave green signal. I was told not to eat anything after dinner on 21st and nothing on 22nd morning.
After celebrating our wedding anniversary, we went to the hospital in the morning. We started early at around 6:30 in the morning. The situation was similar to the bride been taken to grooms house after marriage.......but it was the other way...groom been taken to hospital after the marriage anniversary.....dont know if this makes any sense.......I was admitted after depositing some nominal fees(to be adjusted in the final expense). I was taken to room 2409. I was given the green coloured gown to be worn for the surgery. The surgery time was 10:00 am, thats what was communicated to us by nurse. At 9:30, I was moved on bed and that feeling of being cut and operated crawled my mind. I looked at the faces of my family members....Neetu wishing me luck. I was kept in the pre operation ward for almost 2 hours. Then at around 11:30, I was taken to the operation theatre. There I met the anasthesist who examined me earlier. Another lady was with her. At that last moment she was explaining me the repurcussion of this operation. She didnt bother to frighten me by mentioning that during operation a vein near lips can be disturbed. That may keep half of my lips closed. She gave proper demonstration of this and asked me to do the same. Then she sarcastically laughed and mentioned that why am I keeping my lips half opened. I dont remember anything after that.
I was regaining consiousness at around 4 pm. I was getting that nauseating feeling. It felt as if I will vomit. After some time I was taken to my room 2409. There I saw everyone in my family waiting impatiently and worried. Thankfully everything went fine. Since then I am recuperating. Initially it was very painful to swallow anything. I was on painkiller for couple of days. Now the situation is much better. I can eat everything and there is very less pain while swallowing. This Saturday I will go to the Doctor to get the stitches removed.
This was the third operation of my life.
Lets Celebrate Life. Its only once that we get this life. So lets enjoy the life to the fullest. There will never be another you and there will never be another today. So lets make full use of this today before it becomes Yesterday. Cheer up. Always keep a smile on your face, broaden your shoulders and do whatever you feel like doing. Dont be a pendulum oscillating between past and future.Always be in present.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Finally the blog is being revived. A lot many changes rolled in my life since my last post. Let me try to recollect all those changes since my last post in chronological order:
Left US for good: I resigned from my first company Infosys. My last day was 31st July 2007. I was in no mood to resign. But the situation and my urge to come back to India forced me to resign. I tried for almost 6-7 months convincing my manager to send me back offshore but all in vain. I saw no results coming out of all the discussion. All of a sudden one day it all happened as if that was destined to happen. Neetu was looking into a website (makemytrip) to check for the airfare to India from US. It was pretty cheaper around 1300$ for two people one way. Mere thought of going back to India gave goosebumps and that feeling of happiness swiped our body. I cannot explain that feeling in words. We decided to book a ticket for a date 3 months later so that atleast we can have a date to land in India. And the date was decided to be 1st August 2007. Many more thoughts to share around this feeling. I am becoming more nostalgic.
2. Got a job in RBS: After getting the tickets to India, the next thought was what will I be doing in India to meet both ends. I started applying for job. I had posted my resume in monster and I used to get some mails regarding jobs. Once I got a mail for the job in RBS on mainframe requirement. RBS was a known company as I had worked earlier for the company from Infosys. I replied to the mail showing my interest in joining RBS. After exchanging few mails with the lady (Anudeepti Saxena from Naukri.com) interviews were scheduled with RBS. I cleared all the interviews and I got the offer from RBS after the telephonic rounds. All set.
The wait started to come back to India.

Arrival of angel in my life: The most exciting time in my life. The greatest thing which could happen to me was my son Shaurya. As I am writing this post, I am able to hear some weird sound made by him aa aa aaa............
He came in our family on 24th October , that is the birthday of my elder brother too. He is so cute and naughty ....I am loving every moment with him.
Now it has been more than an year since he came into our family. He has started walking on his own atleast few steps. As I am trying to write something, Shaurya is looking onto the screen and trying to hit the keyboard and dancing on the ghajini song........
He has become the all time favorite of all the members in our family. ....Again many things to write about him which could fill many pages of the blog...

Bought a car: After one month of Shaurya's arrival we decided to buy a car. Sorry just after 9 days ( correction from Neetu.......my wife....I very easily forget things). I still remember during my childhood days all these things seem to be distant dreams. I used to think that cars, telephone etc all are for rich and probably some day when I will be a big name, I will buy these things.
The car is Zen Estilo. After doing some research we thought of going for Zen Estilo.

My birthday: Nothing much to write about this event as this is an annual event. The only difference is that for the first time I celebrated my birthday with Shaurya.
6. Arrival of 2008: Another year arrived with new things. And as I am writing this, the whole year has passed as if an year squeezed to a day. I was reading about the illusion and it was written that time is illusion. Time is not real. It is relative. Happy times go fast and sad times go slow..............Need to ponder on this. There is another concept stating nothing is future, past...........everything is happening at the same time. ....It is just the frequency on which your body is set, the frame is changed to a different body.

3rd Marriage Anniversary: How can I forget the day when I tied knot with once my chat friend Navneet (dont get confused by name.........punjabi names are like this).The day was 21st January and it came again in 2008 with its usual flavour. This time it was special because we were celebrating the anniversary for the first time with family. Our first anniversary was celebrated from 2 continents.........as I was in US and neetu in India........Still remember those courtship days when I was so excited and used to wait for hours to get a glimpse of Neetu....again a long story....probably I can write a book on that.

Neetu's Birthday: As like all other events, this event was to come and we celebrated Neetu's birthday. I am not able to remember anything other than the fact that she had cut the cake.......sorry Neetu....I am not able to find any photos of this year so I am posting one of her bday photos (in US)

Parents wedding anniversary: The last time when I organized a small cake cutting ceremony for my parents wedding ceremony was in Mysore. Those were Infy days. Anita, Vijay, Pulok, Prashant Bendale and Khamu were present. We ordered for cake......Still remember those days................
And this year again after a gap .....we celebrated papa mummy's anniversary.

Happy Birthday Shaurya: The huge blockbuster event came.........Shaurya's birthday. It was a grand celebration. We booked a park (Grand Seasons). Everything in the party was perfect. It was a gathering of around 100 people. Time flies..........it really flies......I still remember the day when I had to go to Tilak Nagar Testing center to get a report for Shaurya. It was around midnight and Shaurya's first night........And now he is more than an year old.
11. Another Year 2009: After all these destined moments, 2009 finally arrived. I have taken few resolutions ....early rising. I am waking up at 5 am since 1st January. Watching less TV. Controlling my eating habits...........And from today I will be regularly blogging.
Few things which I want to do this year.
- Smile and be happy
- Meditation and learning zen habits which I have already started
- Learning guitar....found a center in Dwarka where I can learn
- MBA......Do GMAT and go to ISB.
Thats it.
Bbye. sayo nara.........
Finally the blog is being revived. A lot many changes rolled in my life since my last post. Let me try to recollect all those changes since my last post in chronological order:
Left US for good: I resigned from my first company Infosys. My last day was 31st July 2007. I was in no mood to resign. But the situation and my urge to come back to India forced me to resign. I tried for almost 6-7 months convincing my manager to send me back offshore but all in vain. I saw no results coming out of all the discussion. All of a sudden one day it all happened as if that was destined to happen. Neetu was looking into a website (makemytrip) to check for the airfare to India from US. It was pretty cheaper around 1300$ for two people one way. Mere thought of going back to India gave goosebumps and that feeling of happiness swiped our body. I cannot explain that feeling in words. We decided to book a ticket for a date 3 months later so that atleast we can have a date to land in India. And the date was decided to be 1st August 2007. Many more thoughts to share around this feeling. I am becoming more nostalgic.
2. Got a job in RBS: After getting the tickets to India, the next thought was what will I be doing in India to meet both ends. I started applying for job. I had posted my resume in monster and I used to get some mails regarding jobs. Once I got a mail for the job in RBS on mainframe requirement. RBS was a known company as I had worked earlier for the company from Infosys. I replied to the mail showing my interest in joining RBS. After exchanging few mails with the lady (Anudeepti Saxena from Naukri.com) interviews were scheduled with RBS. I cleared all the interviews and I got the offer from RBS after the telephonic rounds. All set.
The wait started to come back to India.
Arrival of angel in my life: The most exciting time in my life. The greatest thing which could happen to me was my son Shaurya. As I am writing this post, I am able to hear some weird sound made by him aa aa aaa............
He came in our family on 24th October , that is the birthday of my elder brother too. He is so cute and naughty ....I am loving every moment with him.
Now it has been more than an year since he came into our family. He has started walking on his own atleast few steps. As I am trying to write something, Shaurya is looking onto the screen and trying to hit the keyboard and dancing on the ghajini song........
He has become the all time favorite of all the members in our family. ....Again many things to write about him which could fill many pages of the blog...
Bought a car: After one month of Shaurya's arrival we decided to buy a car. Sorry just after 9 days ( correction from Neetu.......my wife....I very easily forget things). I still remember during my childhood days all these things seem to be distant dreams. I used to think that cars, telephone etc all are for rich and probably some day when I will be a big name, I will buy these things.
The car is Zen Estilo. After doing some research we thought of going for Zen Estilo.
My birthday: Nothing much to write about this event as this is an annual event. The only difference is that for the first time I celebrated my birthday with Shaurya.
6. Arrival of 2008: Another year arrived with new things. And as I am writing this, the whole year has passed as if an year squeezed to a day. I was reading about the illusion and it was written that time is illusion. Time is not real. It is relative. Happy times go fast and sad times go slow..............Need to ponder on this. There is another concept stating nothing is future, past...........everything is happening at the same time. ....It is just the frequency on which your body is set, the frame is changed to a different body.
3rd Marriage Anniversary: How can I forget the day when I tied knot with once my chat friend Navneet (dont get confused by name.........punjabi names are like this).The day was 21st January and it came again in 2008 with its usual flavour. This time it was special because we were celebrating the anniversary for the first time with family. Our first anniversary was celebrated from 2 continents.........as I was in US and neetu in India........Still remember those courtship days when I was so excited and used to wait for hours to get a glimpse of Neetu....again a long story....probably I can write a book on that.

Neetu's Birthday: As like all other events, this event was to come and we celebrated Neetu's birthday. I am not able to remember anything other than the fact that she had cut the cake.......sorry Neetu....I am not able to find any photos of this year so I am posting one of her bday photos (in US)
Parents wedding anniversary: The last time when I organized a small cake cutting ceremony for my parents wedding ceremony was in Mysore. Those were Infy days. Anita, Vijay, Pulok, Prashant Bendale and Khamu were present. We ordered for cake......Still remember those days................
And this year again after a gap .....we celebrated papa mummy's anniversary.

Happy Birthday Shaurya: The huge blockbuster event came.........Shaurya's birthday. It was a grand celebration. We booked a park (Grand Seasons). Everything in the party was perfect. It was a gathering of around 100 people. Time flies..........it really flies......I still remember the day when I had to go to Tilak Nagar Testing center to get a report for Shaurya. It was around midnight and Shaurya's first night........And now he is more than an year old.
11. Another Year 2009: After all these destined moments, 2009 finally arrived. I have taken few resolutions ....early rising. I am waking up at 5 am since 1st January. Watching less TV. Controlling my eating habits...........And from today I will be regularly blogging.
Few things which I want to do this year.
- Smile and be happy
- Meditation and learning zen habits which I have already started
- Learning guitar....found a center in Dwarka where I can learn
- MBA......Do GMAT and go to ISB.
Thats it.
Bbye. sayo nara.........
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Being ethical
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Yes! Finally the blog is being revived. A lot many changes rolled in my life since my last post. Let me try to recollect all those changes s...
Came across a very nice article on how to live in the present moment..............here it goes.......... When we were babies no one had to t...
I got myself operated last week. The operation was on 22nd January. The operation was for a cyst under my neck. In medical terms it was subm...