An ant in the middle of lift was totally unaware of how and why he is in the lift. He was unable to comprehend what actually the lift is or to be precise he was incapable of comprehending so big a structure compared to his shape. His only aim was to not to be under someone's feet or even if he gets down under someone's feet, to escape alive. He was able to achieve this till now. He was able to get something or the other to eat like dead insects, sugar etc. He wasn't able to find the reason why he was born. The lift used to go up and down from ground till 20th floor.
Somewhere near the ground floor, there was a small hole, where he used to go deep and has his home. His whole life was spent in the lift till now. His life was going fine until a cat came who used to be with one person living on 19th floor. Whenever the cat used to come inside the lift, ant was very afraid of the feet and claws and he used to avoid the sharp eyes of cat. Cat used to be his biggest scare. Everyday in lift the ant had the apprehension that the cat will kill him and he started living in fear. He was unable to live freely as he used to be. He was very depressed and used to question God why he has given this life.
After may fearful days and nights, once the lift opened and he saw the same dreadful cat with greedy eyes and claws coming upon him and he closed his eyes and accepted the death and his heart stopped. After few seconds he opened his eyes in anticipation that he will be seeing God. He was about to ask God to not to send him back as an ant in the future birth. But when he opened his eyes, he saw a cockroach entangled in the claws of cat and he realized that the cat has just saved him from the cockroach who was about to eat him. In this whole encounter which almost took his life, there was another ant which just dropped off from the fur of the cat. Then ant was very similar to this ant and in no time both ants became acquainted and in few days became good friends. The situation which the ant was thinking as the most dreadful and which almost took his life was not as the ant imagined but it became the golden moment. He got the best friend out of this situation and got his inner strength and belief in himself back.
Time and situation which you think may be very bad may actually turn out to be good in the long run. Difficult times which is perceived as difficult may have come for a bigger purpose.
Lets Celebrate Life. Its only once that we get this life. So lets enjoy the life to the fullest. There will never be another you and there will never be another today. So lets make full use of this today before it becomes Yesterday. Cheer up. Always keep a smile on your face, broaden your shoulders and do whatever you feel like doing. Dont be a pendulum oscillating between past and future.Always be in present.
Sunday, July 07, 2019
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